Johnnie Walker Blue Label
Johnnie Walker Blue Label comes from hand-selecting rare Scotch Whiskies with a remarkable depth of flavor. Only one in 10,000 casks make the cut. Best served neat, along with an ice-cold water to enhance its powerful character.
Johnnie Walker Blue Label was under going a transformational redesign for the 21st Century. As part of that, we were briefed to translate the elegant and beautifully redesigned bottle into a set of retail experience spaces within Global Travel Retail. By developing the suite of hero POSM and key visuals, I helped develop the retail guides through which the international territories could build a consistent experience worldwide.
“Once again you have proven to be an absolute star and key performer in our studio! You have stepped in and proven what a great asset you are to the whole team.”

“Patience and professionalism, John is an absolute pleasure to work with. Taking each design challenge in his stride and striving for excellence on each project”.

“Helpful, efficient, charismatic and diligent, John fulfils all challenges a design studio can present to him. His calm composure and level headedness has seen him manage clients and designers with huge success. Creatively flexible, whether in designing or through problem solving, John is a great asset to any organisation.”